Monday, June 25, 2007

New Post

I was going to post yesterday, which was my sister's b-day, but after a dis-hearting day I just did not have it in me to blog.....I miss her sooo much, she was so much more than just a sister, she was my dearest friend. The world without her in it will never be the same. It gives me comfort to know that she is with the Lord in a better place. I know she is my angel and watches over me and my famliy everyday!!! She was the anchor in my family when I was growing up. When my parents divorced I was 18mths old. My mother left us and my sister did not hesitate to step up to the plate and raise us. She was the bravest 12 year old I know!!! She made sure that I never felt like I didn't have a Mom. She was there for me thru all the important moments in my life. She was at my side when I married Russell and when both of my children were born. She has left behind two wonderful boys or I should say young men who will be her legacy to this world, and everything good in her has been passed on to them. When ever I miss her I think of the poem I posted and I know she is that butterfly in the wind.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great blessing to have had a sister like yours. She will always be missed. All those who have lost a loved one share your pain. Just feel my arms around you cause I'm hugging you now.