Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Silver Queen

I know everyone was sick of the rain we were having but our corn crop loved it. We picked and cooked our first few ears and they were yummy!!!! As you can see the worms think so too!!!


AmyWhit said...

You beat me to the corn pictures, Anita! I've been thinking of going up to the end of the road to snap a couple that I have in mind, but I don't want to have to wade through waist-high grass to get to the field! The snakes are out and about, and I've heard of too many snake bites lately to want to brave walking in that kind of grass!

Judy said...

Yummy is right! If we must share why is it with the worm??

Anonymous said...

Oh that looks so good, I gotta go out and buy some now!

Nancy S. said...

You are making me hungry! We have had some great corn and some yummy BLT'S with the good tomatoes. Hard to beat a vine ripe tomato and an ear of corn on the cob.I just wish the fresh veggies lasted longer.

Shelia said...

Yay! I know where I'm goin for corn! Great pics Nita!

jamie said...

MMMMM!! CORN! It looks so good! I love pic #3. It is pretty cool!

As for the moose poo growing flowers...... they have little forget me not seeds in them. That is the state flower. I have planted some as well, we'll have to see what happens!!