Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blue and Belle

Meet Blue and Belle. One year for BH's birthday everyone chipped in to buy him a beagle which was Blue. We picked him up on a Friday night from Mr. Nettles in Ridgeland. We had to keep him until Sunday when we were having BH's party. Well.....Bret fell in love with him in those 2 days and cried his eyes out when it was time to give him to BH. So naturally BH did not want to take the dog and break the child's heart. We had to call up Mr. Nettles and luck had it that Belle was the last beagle left, so we ended up buying 2 dogs!!! Blue loves to go over to BH's to visit with his sister. Blue is also a "Working dog" with a purpose. We have a dang gone zoo at our house. I'll have to post some of our other pets soon.


Queen of Foo Foo said...

AHHHHH so cute! They love each other.

Judy said...

How very sweet...such a heart warming story.

Anonymous said...

Blue is a gorgeous dog! His eyse just sparkle. Does he unt, run coon, or what? I grew up with beagles and coon dogs, so naturalyy we were always friends. Got in lots of trouble for turning my Dads dogs into pets. Go figure!

jamie said...

I have a special place in my heart for beagles!!! I once raised a beagle puppy...his mom died during childbirth...He thought he was human!!!

I love the sunflower fields... I hope that my sunflowers are going to bloom!!

Nancy S. said...

They are cute....even if they are working dogs! It must be nice to have a dog with short hair. *sigh* I need to get my matted up Max to the groomer's ASAP!