Friday, August 3, 2007


I have changed my mind several times for this blog. I thought I was all set with my picture, and then as I was getting to the office this morning my new subject presented itself.


Nancy S. said...

Very good details pic. It is so amazing to me how God made all these different details. The flowers , the bugs. Everything is just so wonderfully made. "To God be the glory, great things he hath made".

AmyWhit said...

How neat! His back looks like a leaf! Good disguise for him, I guess! Good job with the challenge, 'Nita!

Queen of Foo Foo said...

Good picture. He must have been waiting on you.

Judy said...

Great detail..I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who changed my mind a few times ...still not sure..but I'll post something tonight.

Really good shot.

Shelia said...

Aren't these some of the neatest little bugs? Great job girl!

jamie said...

Very cool!!! Isn't it cool how insects and animals in the wild have a defense mechanism!!! Even if it is to look like a leaf!!!